They cannot see you cry, when you stand in the rain..
because, the rain cover your tears..
They cannot see your tears fell down,
when you're in the water,drowning in the grief...
They cannot see your tear, because you holding your breath,
and cry silently in the heart....
but i know whenever you're crying.. eventough you keep it hide from me.
BalasHapusi always know, coz i know you
Hapus"good job, i like it"
ade ajelah si Garam ini...
boleh di copy ya,....hehehehe
iya silakan, kalau bisa dikasih link back kesini, hehe..
Hapusmakasih ukh, udah rajin mampir di blog galau ini, hehe
hehehehehe,...sama2 ukh.
Hapushemmmm habisnya gmn gtu klo dh online gak lengkap klo gak buka blognya antum,..hehehe